What's up? March/ April updates
Hello Hello! How are you? We've been experiencing some unusual weather here in California lately... oh wait, actually... EVERYWHERE!... ugh.
I hope where ever you are in the world you are safe and doing well. At this point I am just looking forward to warmer weather and I'm sure most of you are too.
In just a few days we will be wrapping up our Kickstarter campaign... OMG! Can you believe it?? Sunday March 19th is do or die for the Kickstarter campaign. This campaign is to launch my new Erotic Coloring book and Art book. Well, it's not necessarily "Die" haha. We are only 1/3 of the way funded and we have only 4 days to go to raise the other 2/3 of funds.
Wait what?? You didn't know about the Kickstarter?? Not surprised!! Instagram has been filtering and censoring my posts again and even though I was able to spend a few hundred dollars on ads (they rejected dozens of my ads, but a few made it through) my reach has been limited. You can check out the campaign here: http://kck.st/3JLc7yy
Also this month, we'll be at The Queer Mercado on March 18th for our monthly pop-up. If you're in the Los Angeles area swing by and show some love. We're at the East LA Civic Center from 10am to 4 pm. 4801 East 3rd Street.
Next week I'll be prepping some art to ship to two events taking place next month (April).
The first, Claw Leather Getaway 2023 April 6th-9th at the Renaissance Cleveland Hotel in Cleveland, Ohio. I will have multiple pieces on exhibit as well as in their Art Shop. If you're in the Cleveland area be sure to check out this event.
The second is, the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival April 21st, 22nd, 23rd at the Seattle Center's Exhibition Hall. If you're in the Seattle area, be sure to check it out. I'll have a handful of works for sale in their Erotic Art Shop.
April is definitely going to be a busy month! On top of my work being in Seattle and Cleveland here in Southern California you can find me at the Queer Mercado April 15th and Whittier Pride April 22nd.
Stay tuned for more details!