They’ve done it again!!

They’ve done it again!!

This morning I woke to learn that instagram has suspended my account (@justmikeydraws) and deleted my profile…. AGAIN! 

That account was my 4th IG profile in 2 years. Just yesterday we had hit over 1400 followers. It’s incredibly frustrating when this happens. Starting over isn’t easy. 

i know, why even bother using instagram? Go to twitter you say? Find another platform?  Instagram has been the only platform that gave me the widest reach and the most engagement from my followers. I don’t get nearly as wide a reach or engagement on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or Tumblr.  So I stay because of that. 

The censorship of queer/ gay art by Meta/ Facebook and other social platforms is an ongoing assault on our community of queer artists. They think that by deleting our posts or removing our accounts they can silence us and make us disappear. They can’t. They won’t! 

I’ll rebuild again. In the meantime, I just moved my website over to a new platform. This provides me an opportunity to actually have a Blog space where I can connect with my followers in a whole new way!  So be sure to bookmark my website and sign up for my mailing list so we can stay in touch!

Off to rebuild I go! Thank you for your continued support!


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